You may come into a fortune but ultimately will have luck compared to the past two years. Newspaper horoscopes are usually broad and open ended statements that could fit into any number of different situations that occur daily in your life.
Men are more likely to focus their interest in astrology on such topics as how to get a particular job, how to make business decisions, and questions about whether or not to relocate to a different area. They normally give you a basic definition based on the positions of the sun, moon and planets exactly as they were positioned at the time of your birth, so you must know the exactly time of your birth. Teens can be best aided by astrology by understanding that the scope of astrology goes far beyond simple predictions, and even more important, that even predictions themselves are only a matter of what is likely to occur, that the person himself or herself has a great ability to influence what actually does occur, by his or her own responses to the events which happen each day.
Still using Taurus as an example, their element sign is Earth. This can be a wonderful asset for any teenager or young adult who is at the stage in life where he or she wishes to make solid decisions and plans for the future. The dates for Capricorn are December 22nd to January 19th.
Leos are the life of the party. Our job in Leo is to tap into our creativity so that it flows outwards bringing ideas to fruition.
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