Tuesday, August 19, 2008

monthly horoscope for gemini

Taurus loves to be wooed and romanced, two concepts that are basically foreign to straightforward, brash, totally unsubtle Aries. Personality traits determine the quality of a person's actions or karmas which in turn lead to the consequences of the actions.

We can also discover clues to the essential function or job that each astrological sign represents. Today the most popular methods of Astrology use twelve Signs and houses, using the Tropical Geocentric Zodiac. This is no way to perplex you.

It must be noted that all horoscopes have to be converted to the Greenwich Mean Time. People born between January 21 and February 19 are Aquarians. From it you can tell something of an individual s character and the direction that his or her life is taking.

As we transform our fears we can then emerge as powerful bearers of light. If you, therefore, want a complete and accurate picture, you need to read and analyze both the Sun sign and the ascendant sign.

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